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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-26 11:07:12 来源: 作者:用户44600    浏览次数:1    

一,千言万语只想告诉你,我们永远是朋友,千山万水只能阻挡我的视线,却不能阻挡我心的前进。 Thousands of words just want to tell you that we will always be friends, and the water in Qian Shan can only block my sight, but it can't block my hear...


Thousands of words just want to tell you that we will always be friends, and the water in Qian Shan can only block my sight, but it can't block my heart.


What we suffer, what we eat, what we bear, and what we endure will turn into light in the end, illuminating our way forward bravely


Watch the scenery of life journey together and spend this long and interesting life together


eep words we say shallowly, long road we walk slowly.


Make an appointment. On the road of friendship, whoever leaves is a little fool.


Our friendship will not end. If there is a chance, I really want to play with you from adulthood to adulthood.


I don't go to the same school as you. The only way to miss you is to mention you to others.


九,等我们老了 不去跳广场舞 不去打麻将 就座在院子里看帅老头。

When we are old, we don't go to square dance, we don't go to mahjong, we just sit in the yard and watch the handsome old man

十,如果你陪我围着炉子烤着火 山上只有这间屋子我也不觉得孤独。

I don't feel lonely if you accompany me to bake on the fire around the stove.

十一,我和我朋友都想做富婆 但是一见面就散尽家财。

My friends and I both want to be rich women, but when we meet, we all lose our money.

There's only one of you. You're special.


If we have money, we will travel and visit big brands. If we don't have money, we will walk and eat stalls in the evening. Anyway, we will be together anyway

十四,止声冷漠 但在你面前 我不需要这样 因为有你才能让我放松警惕停止思考。

Quiet, MoMo, but I don't need this in front of you, because you can make me relax my guard and stop thinking.


Even if there are more stars in the sky and more Stone in the ground, our friendship will not be scattered

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