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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-02-19 05:45:56 来源: 作者:用户94617    浏览次数:6    

一、人在江湖,你会慢慢发现,一颗好心,不如一张好嘴,好心永远比不过好嘴。 When you are in the world, you will find that a good heart is better than a good mouth. A good heart can never be better than a good mouth. 二、当你毫无保留的信任一个...


When you are in the world, you will find that a good heart is better than a good mouth. A good heart can never be better than a good mouth.


When you trust a person without reservation, there will only be two results in the end, either the person in life, or a lesson in life.


To be honest, no matter who you marry, after marriage, you always find that you have married someone else instead of the original one.


There are always some things in the world that we can never explain or explain clearly. We must accept our own smallness and powerlessness.


In this world, people always go against their will, do things they don't like and live a life they don't want.


The purpose of our busy life is often to enjoy life, repay parents, satisfy lovers, and want to be selfless; but the result of our busy life is that we can't enjoy life, stay away from parents, neglect our lover, and become selfish.


In the face of the reality of the hard, hard life, the amount of their own, only to understand that this is the real life, step by step out of their own, otherwise what can be done.


It's hard for a person with a soft heart to be happy. Refusing others is like doing something wrong. Being soft hearted is an unfair kindness. It helps others, wrongs himself, but is regarded as a fool by others.


Persistence is a burden, giving up is a relief. People are not perfect, happiness is not 100 points, can not have so much, why ask so much.


The so-called growth, is to force you a person, stumbling injury, stumbling strong.

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