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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-07-02 04:59:07 来源: 作者:用户60215    浏览次数:5    

  ladies and gentlemen:tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台   greetings and welcome。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台   i'm so glad you're here today。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台   here's some advice。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台   cherish your job。tdT5...

  ladies and gentlemen:tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  greetings and welcome。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  i'm so glad you're here today。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  here's some advice。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  cherish your job。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  appreciate it like a gift。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  it's your "bread and butter。"tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  it's your opportunity to shine。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  hrer's how to enjoy your "9 to 5。"tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  first,master your job。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be fully qualified。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be an expert at every task。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  try to increase your efficiency。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  try to do more every day。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  always push yourself to improve。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  strive for perfection。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  strive to be the best。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  your sense of achievement will soar。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  second,have faith in your job。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  believe in what you're doing。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  believe it's valuable and important。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  view your job as a duty。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  view your work as your mission。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be assured it's a worthy cause。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  know you're being productive。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  know you're benefiting others。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  that brings job satisfaction。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  third,like what you're doing。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be in love with your job。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be convinced it's a terrific position。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  focus on the advantages。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  focus on the positive aspects。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  take pride in your ability and effort。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  thrive on the accomplishments。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  thrive on your achievements。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  thrive on feeling good。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  fourth,make it fun every day。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  make it like playing a game。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  maintain a healthy sense of humor。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  always look on the bright side。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  try joking with colleagues。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  try asking yourself funny questions。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  ask yourself:why do i have to work?tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  dear god,please save me!tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  please help me win the lottery!tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  finally,realize your job is a privilege。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be grateful you have one。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  be thankful you're not unemployed。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  remember to master your job。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  make it fun and have faith。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  make every task you undertake a piece of cake。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  the secret is not in doing what you like。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  the secret is in liking what you do。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

  god bless you and enjoy your job。tdT516范文网-优秀范文分享平台

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