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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-06-18 07:28:12 来源: 作者:用户46194    浏览次数:4    

1.挑战速度不屈服,人生最大的挑战没有战胜自己! Challenge speed does not yield, the biggest challenge in life did not overcome yourself! 2.冰雪的激情属于你,雪道飞驰得更精力充沛,看到运动员在雪地上英勇的姿态,看到英雄自然而无拘无束的瞬间。中国运动员都在搓手,祝愿运动员在冬奥会上获奖! ...


Challenge speed does not yield, the biggest challenge in life did not overcome yourself!


Passion of ice and snow belongs to you, the snow path gallop more energetic, see the athletes on the snow heroic posture, see the heroic natural and unrestrained moment.Chinese athletes are rubbing their hands, wish athletes the Winter Olympics to win the prize!


Who wins the championship, all dare to be the first


Olympic Shrine, for you to send blessings, happy run to you, good luck jump to you, wishful swim to you, happy shooting you, common wish, hope to our athletes, pick gold and silver stick, and then innovative achievements, win glory for the motherland.


To the Olympic Games, good news; struggle, fearless, sweat, cry; not afraid of strong enemies, fight first; friendship competition, harmony first.Bless the Olympic Games, China come on!


Olympic Shrine, for you to send blessings, happy run to you, good luck jump to you, wishful swim to you, happy shooting you, common wish, hope to our athletes, pick gold and silver stick, and then innovative achievements, win glory for the motherland.

7.北京冬奥会了,问候领先跑; 愿你事业高,来个三级跳; 快乐似跳水,水花朵朵笑; 烦恼空中抛,扣篮被砸跑; 好运剑出鞘,一击就中标。奥运期间,祝你大好!

Beijing Winter Olympics, greeting leading run; wish you high career, a triple jump, happy like diving, spray smile; worry in the air, dunk was hit run; good luck sword out of the sheath, a hit the bid.I wish you great things during the Olympics


Olympic athletes, the people of the world smiling, cut gold and silver, the people of the world, the Olympic spirit to pass, bless words heart connected, bless the Olympic Games!Bless Beijing!Wish the Chinese athletes to create a brilliant again!

9 北京冬奥会已迎头,壮志豪情在心头;勇夺金牌有劲头,中国健儿有势头,观众欣赏有看头,祝福今日来碰头,中国健儿好运来聚头,风风光光出彩头!

Olympic athletes, the people of the world smiling, cut gold and silver, the people of the world, the Olympic spirit to pass, bless words heart connected, bless the Olympic Games!Bless Beijing!Wish the Chinese athletes to create a brilliant again!

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