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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-01-07 21:34:18 来源: 作者:用户65141    浏览次数:0    

乱糟糟的桌洞里藏着深情的小纸条和未完成的梦想 There are affectionate notes and unfinished dreams hidden in the messy table hole 少年不惧岁月长,彼方尚有荣光在 The youth is not afraid of the long years, but there is still gl...


There are affectionate notes and unfinished dreams hidden in the messy table hole


The youth is not afraid of the long years, but there is still glory on the other side

该怎么收场呢 大家都知道我爱而不得了

How does it end? Everyone knows I love it


The sun in the world was just right, and the wind was passing through the forest tops. At that time, they were young

要是不喜欢你 谁愿意下课跑来跑去

Who wants to run around after class if you don't like you

放中间 一起抄 别被发现了

Put it in the middle and copy it together. Don't be found.


Every time I stand at the door of the class and fight with my classmates, I just wait for you to take a look at you

希望你投了三分球 转向头第一个看我

I hope you threw a three-point ball and turned your head to look at me first.


The boy hit the sky and inadvertently turned over the candle, but lit the dusk full of my eyes

心脏跳动的最猛一次总是出现在学生时代 可能是心动 也可能是被老师点名

The fiercest beating of the heart always appears in the student's time, which may be called by the teacher

少年自有少年狂 心似骄阳万丈光

Young people have their own crazy heart, like the scorching sun

他是我上课也要用余光去看的人 是下课再困也要看着的人 除了他看我的时候我好像都在看着他 他随便看我一眼我都觉得好心动.

He is the one I need to see in my spare time in class. He is the one I need to look at no matter how sleepy I am after class. I seem to be looking at him except when he looks at me. I feel very excited when he looks at me casually


I've actually seen you countless times where you can't see


Teenagers have dreams, not only in heart, but also in action.


Someone always looks at the names of two people alone

草稿纸上不仅有密密麻麻的公式 还有意义非凡的名字

There are not only numerous formulas on the draft paper, but also meaningful names.

我拉着朋友绕全校走一圈 只为看你一眼 然后在近距离错过

I took my friend around the school just to see you, and then missed it at a close distance.

少年灌风的校服 裹着我整个青春里最盛大的秘密

The youth's school uniform wrapped the biggest secret of my whole youth


I recited your name on the 800 meter runway


I am more familiar with your shoes and back than your face


Obviously everyone is wearing school uniforms, but I can always see you at the first sight in the crowd.

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